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Privacy Policy

Legal Information

This website is owned by Zappware NV (herein referred to as “Zappware”), a Belgian limited liability company, with registered offices at 3500 Hasselt (Belgium), Ilgatlaan 21, registered in the crossroads bank of enterprises under company number 0475.533.392, and with VAT number  BE-475.533.392



This website and the information it contains is only provided to inform the user as to Zappware and the products and services it offers. This website is exclusively informative and Zappware cannot be held liable for any damages, of whatever kind or nature, as a result of using the information on this website.

Zappware has used reasonable endeavors to ensure that material contained on these pages was correct and compliant with any and all copyright regulations at the time the page was created and last modified. Should any copyright infringements occur, Zappware’s liability shall be limited to replace the infringing parts by non-infringing parts, without however being liable for any damages.

Zappware gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the website and its content.

Zappware reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems appropriate, without notice and without Zappware being held liable.

Zappware provides external links as a service to users of its website. In providing an external link Zappware does not accept responsibility for or endorse the content or condition of any linked site.

By using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer.


Privacy Policy

Zappware will only collect, store or use your personal information for specific purposes in conformity with all applicable legal regulations (such as the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal details) and only with your consent. We use your information to support and enhance our relationship with you, for example to share product, service and company news and offerings with you, to provide service and support or for other legitimate reasons described by law. We do not sell your personal information. We only share your personal data outside Zappware with your consent, as required by law, or with companies that help Zappware fulfil its obligations with you, and then, only with partners who share Zappware’s commitment to protecting your privacy and data. At any time you may contact Zappware with any questions or concerns you may have with respect to this privacy policy. You may also ask at any time to be informed about the personal data that Zappware holds about you and request, as appropriate, correction or deletion.

The only information we automatically collect is that related to the use of our web site. This information is anonymous and is gathered through our servers’ log files. These log files record generic information, such as the number of visits our web site receives, the types of browsers used and the number of files downloaded, but never personal information. This log file information allows us to create better content aimed at our viewer’s preferences.

Some of our pages use a feature of your browser called a “cookie.” Cookies, by themselves, are not able to extract any personal information from you. This cookie automatically identifies your computer – but not you – to our servers when you visit our site. Unless you specifically tell us, Zappware will never know who you are, even though we may assign your computer a cookie. Also, Zappware’s websites can only read cookies created by Zappware’s websites. Zappware websites nevertheless use third-party analytics cookies.

Cookies amongst others allow us to personalize our site for you and to provide you with information that fits your needs and desires. For instance, once you choose a language, a cookie is written to your computer so that you will not need to make that choice in the future again.

Zappware knows that your privacy is very important to you. We welcome questions and comments regarding this policy, so feel free to contact us at Because technologies on the Internet change so quickly, Zappware reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy from time to time.

By using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.


Copyrights – Trademarks

This website and its content is fully owned by Zappware and/or its licensors. All product, brand and/or trade names are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders.

Consequently, this website together with any parts thereof without any exception whatsoever, more particularly all works, graphic, sound and infographic elements protected by (intellectual) copyright, such as texts, photos, sounds, drawings and logos, may not be distributed, used or incorporated in any way without Zappware and/or any other interested proprietor giving their prior, express and written permission for reproduction, distribution, modification and/or public disclosure.

For more information on the use of graphic, sound or infographic material, such as photographs, texts, drawings, logos, sounds, please e-mail:



Some of our pages use a feature of your browser called a “cookie.” Cookies, by themselves, are not able to extract any personal information from you. This cookie automatically identifies your computer – but not you – to our servers when you visit our site. Unless you specifically tell us, Zappware will never know who you are, even though we may assign your computer a cookie. Also, Zappware‘s websites can only read cookies created by Zappware’s websites. Zappware websites nevertheless use third-party analytics cookies.

Cookies amongst others allow us to personalize our site for you and to provide you with information that fits your needs and desires. For instance, once you choose a language, a cookie is written to your computer so that you will not need to make that choice in the future again.

The use by Zappware of cookies is subject to the Privacy policy included in this website. By accepting the use of cookies, you agree to the use of cookies and the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.