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Thanks for joining us at IBC! Oh, and guess what? We won Best Booth Design!

We won 'Best Booth Design' at IBC 2024

IBC 2024 is a wrap, and we're thrilled to have won Best Booth Design. Thanks to everyone who stopped by — we enjoyed the great conversations.

IBC 2024 Recognition

Infusing creativity in every aspect of our work.

We're proud to announce that Zappware's booth at IBC 2024 has won the 'Best Booth Design' award. This recognition reflects our commitment to blending creativity and technology in all we do.

Our team put great effort into creating a booth that truly represents Zappware's innovative spirit. The result was a space that resonated with visitors and stood out at the event.

This award reflects our team's commitment to showcasing our values through design. At Zappware, we believe creativity fuels technological advancement. Our booth is a testament to this philosophy.

Patrick Vos

Executive Board member • Zappware

We'd like to thank Novum, the talented booth builders who brought our design to life. Their craftsmanship was essential in creating a booth that represents Zappware's approach to innovation.

To everyone who visited us at IBC 2024 - thank you. Your engaging conversations and insights made the event truly worthwhile.

This recognition motivates us to continue pushing boundaries in our software solutions. Keep an eye out for more developments from Zappware as we shape the future of broadcasting technology.

Interested in NEXX5? Take a look at our product reel to see how we're advancing the broadcasting landscape or get in touch.

Zappware at IBC 2024


Picture Recap